A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W 


AbstractTestSemantics - Class in net.grinder.common
Base class which provides equality and ordering semantics for Test implementations.
AbstractTestSemantics() - Constructor for class net.grinder.common.AbstractTestSemantics
acceptCookie(Cookie, RoRequest, RoResponse) - Method in interface HTTPClient.CookiePolicyHandler
This method is called for each cookie that a server tries to set via the Set-Cookie header.
addAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry to the list using the default context.
addAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry to the list.
addAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String, NVPair[], Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry to the list using the default context.
addAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String, NVPair[], Object, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry to the list.
addBasicAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry for the "Basic" authorization scheme to the list using the default context.
addBasicAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry for the "Basic" authorization scheme to the list.
addBasicAuthorization(String, String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Adds an authorization entry for the "basic" authorization scheme to the list.
addCookie(Cookie) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Add the specified cookie to the list of cookies in the default context.
addCookie(Cookie, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Add the specified cookie to the list of cookies for the specified context.
addDefaultModule(Class, int) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Adds a module to the default list.
addDigestAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry for the "Digest" authorization scheme to the list using the default context.
addDigestAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds an authorization entry for the "Digest" authorization scheme to the list.
addDigestAuthorization(String, String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Adds an authorization entry for the "digest" authorization scheme to the list.
addDouble(String, double) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Add value to the double statistic statisticName.
addLong(String, long) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Add value to the long statistic statisticName.
addModule(Class, int) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Adds a module to the current list.
addPath(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Adds the path from the given resource to our path list.
ALL - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
All the facilities - for use in setLogging (-1)
allowUI() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
allowUI() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
alphanumChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
appendTo(StringBuffer) - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
Append this header element to the given buffer.
assembleHeader(Vector) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Assembles a Vector of HttpHeaderElements into a full header string.
AUTH - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The Authorization facility (8)
AuthorizationHandler - Interface in HTTPClient
This is the interface that an Authorization handler must implement.
AuthorizationInfo - Class in HTTPClient
Holds the information for an authorization response.
AuthorizationInfo(String, int, String, String, NVPair[], Object) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Creates a new info structure for the specified host and port with the specified scheme, realm, params.
AuthorizationInfo(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Creates a new info structure for the specified host and port with the specified scheme, realm and cookie.
AuthorizationPrompter - Interface in HTTPClient
This is the interface that a username/password prompter must implement.
AuthSchemeNotImplException - Exception in HTTPClient
Signals that the handling of a authorization scheme is not implemented.
AuthSchemeNotImplException() - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.AuthSchemeNotImplException
Constructs an AuthSchemeNotImplException with no detail message.
AuthSchemeNotImplException(String) - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.AuthSchemeNotImplException
Constructs an AuthSchemeNotImplException class with the specified detail message.
await() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Barrier
Wait until all other barriers with the same name have invoked Barrier.await().
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Barrier
Version of Barrier.await() that allows a timeout to be specified.
await(long) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Barrier
Equivalent to await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).


Barrier - Interface in net.grinder.script
Distributed synchronisation interface that allows worker threads to coordinate their actions.
barrier(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Create a Barrier to coordinate worker thread actions across running worker processes.
base64Decode(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-2045 (Section 6.8).
base64Decode(byte[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-2045 (Section 6.8).
base64Encode(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-2045 (Section 6.8).
base64Encode(byte[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-2045 (Section 6.8).
basicAuthorizationHeader(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Create a NVPair for an HTTP Basic Authorization header.


cancel() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Barrier
Cancel this Barrier and reduce the total number of instances for the barrier name.
CancelledBarrierException - Exception in net.grinder.script
Exception thrown when attempting to wait on a cancelled barrier.
CancelledBarrierException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.CancelledBarrierException
Creates a new CancelledBarrierException instance.
canonicalizePath(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Remove all "/../" and "/./" from path, where possible.
chunkedDecode(InputStream) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Decodes chunked data.
chunkedEncode(byte[], NVPair[], boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Encodes data used the chunked encoding.
chunkedEncode(byte[], int, int, NVPair[], boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Encodes data used the chunked encoding.
clone() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
clone() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
clone() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
close() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Closes the stream and causes the data to be sent if it has not already been done so.
close() - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Explicitly closes physical connection to the server.
Codecs - Class in HTTPClient
This class collects various encoders and decoders.
comment - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
comment_url - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
compareTo(Test) - Method in class net.grinder.common.AbstractTestSemantics
Define ordering.
CONN - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The HTTPConnection facility (1)
CONSOLE_HOST - Static variable in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Key to use for the console host property.
CONSOLE_PORT - Static variable in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Key to use for the console host property.
COOKI - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The Cookies facility (16)
Cookie - Class in HTTPClient
This class represents an http cookie as specified in Netscape's cookie spec; however, because not even Netscape follows their own spec, and because very few folks out there actually read specs but instead just look whether Netscape accepts their stuff, the Set-Cookie header field parser actually tries to follow what Netscape has implemented, instead of what the spec says.
Cookie(String, String, String, String, Date, boolean) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.Cookie
Create a cookie.
Cookie(RoRequest) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.Cookie
Use parse() to create cookies.
Cookie2 - Class in HTTPClient
This class represents an http cookie as specified in the HTTP State Management Mechanism spec (also known as a version 1 cookie).
Cookie2(String, String, String, int[], String, Date, boolean, boolean, String, URI) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.Cookie2
Create a cookie.
Cookie2(RoRequest) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.Cookie2
Use parse() to create cookies.
CookieModule - Class in HTTPClient
This module handles Netscape cookies (also called Version 0 cookies) and Version 1 cookies.
CookiePolicyHandler - Interface in HTTPClient
This is the interface that a cookie policy handler must implement.
copyFrom(Request) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
Copy all the fields from other to this request.
create() - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.BandwidthLimiterFactory


DEFAULT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Default file name for properties.
DEFAULT_SCRIPT - Static variable in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Default script file name.
DefaultAuthHandler - Class in HTTPClient
This class is the default authorization handler.
DefaultAuthHandler() - Constructor for class HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler
defaultPort(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Return the default port used by a given protocol.
defaultPort(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
use URI.defaultPort() instead
defaultPorts - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
Delete(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
Delete(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
DELETE() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP DELETE request.
DELETE(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP DELETE request.
DELETE(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP DELETE request.
deleteHeader(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Removes a header field from the list of headers.
deleteTrailer(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Removes a trailer field from the list of trailers.
DEMUX - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The StreamDemultiplexor facility (4)
dequoteString(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Replace quoted characters by their unquoted version.
discard() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
discard - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
discard() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
discardAllCookies() - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Discard all cookies for all contexts.
discardAllCookies(Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Discard all cookies for the given context.
domain - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie
domain_set - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
dontProxyFor(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Add host to the list of hosts which should be accessed directly, not via any proxy set by setProxyServer().
dontProxyFor(String[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Convenience method to add a number of hosts at once.
doProxyFor(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Remove host from the list of hosts for which the proxy should not be used.


If true, then the parser will resolve certain URI's in backwards compatible (but technically incorrect) manner.
equals(Object) - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Two AuthorizationInfos are considered equal if their host, port, scheme and realm match.
equals(Object) - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Two cookies match if the name, path and domain match.
equals(Object) - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
Two elements are equal if they have the same name.
equals(Object) - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
equals(Object) - Method in class net.grinder.common.AbstractTestSemantics
escape(String, BitSet, boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Escape any character not in the given character class.
escape(char[], BitSet, boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Escape any character not in the given character class.
escpdFragChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be escaped when escaping a fragment identifier
escpdPathChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be escaped when escaping a path
escpdQueryChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be escaped when escaping a query string
expires - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie
expires() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
ExtensionMethod(String, String, byte[], NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
This is here to allow an arbitrary, non-standard request to be sent.
ExtensionMethod(String, String, HttpOutputStream, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
This is here to allow an arbitrary, non-standard request to be sent.


FilenameMangler - Interface in HTTPClient
Codecs.mpFormDataDecode and Codecs.mpFormDataEncode may be handed an instance of a class which implements this interface in order to control names of the decoded files or the names sent in the encoded data.
fixupAuthInfo(AuthorizationInfo, RoRequest, AuthorizationInfo, RoResponse) - Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
This method is called whenever auth info is chosen from the list of known info in the AuthorizationInfo class to be sent with a request.
fixupAuthInfo(AuthorizationInfo, RoRequest, AuthorizationInfo, RoResponse) - Method in class HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler
For Digest authentication we need to set the uri, response and opaque parameters.
fragment - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI


GENERIC - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
Get(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GETs the file.
Get(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GETs the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
Get(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GETs the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
Get(String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GETs the file using the specified query string.
Get(String, String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GETs the file using the specified query string.
GET() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP GET request.
GET(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP GET request.
GET(NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP GET request.
GET(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP GET request.
GET(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP GET request.
getAgentNumber() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Return the agent number.
getAllowUserInteraction() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
returns whether modules are allowed to prompt or popup dialogs if neccessary.
getAssociatedFile() - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the associated file.
getAuthHandler() - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get's the current authorization handler.
getAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo, RoRequest, RoResponse) - Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
This method is called whenever a 401 or 407 response is received and no candidate info is found in the list of known auth info.
getAuthorization(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Searches for the authorization info using the given host, port, scheme and realm.
getAuthorization(String, int, String, String, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Searches for the authorization info in the given context using the given host, port, scheme and realm.
getAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo, RoRequest, RoResponse) - Method in class HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler
returns the requested authorization, or null if none was given.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the value of the property with the given name, return the value as a boolean.
getCheckCertificates() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
getComment() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
getCommentURL() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
getConnection() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
getConnection() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
getConnectionDefaults() - Static method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl
Returns a HTTPPluginConnection that can be used to set the default behaviour of new connections.
getConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
getConnectTime() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
getContext() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the current context.
getCookie() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the cookie
getData() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Reads all the response data into a byte array.
getData() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
getData() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Reads all the response data into a byte array.
getData() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
getData() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
Reads all the response data into a byte array.
getData() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Gets the default data.
getDefaultAllowUserInteraction() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Gets the default allow-user-action.
getDefaultContext() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the default context.
getDefaultHeaders() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Gets the current list of default http headers.
getDefaultModules() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the default list of modules.
getDefaultSSLSocketFactory() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set the current SSL socket factory for this connection.
getDefaultTimeout() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Gets the default timeout value to be used for each new HTTPConnection.
getDescription() - Method in interface net.grinder.common.Test
Test description.
getDescription() - Method in class net.grinder.script.Test
Get the test description.
getDnsTime() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
getDomain() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Return the domain this cookie is valid in.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the value of the property with the given name, return the value as a double.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Return the value of the double statistic statisticName.
getEffectiveURI() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Get the final URI of the document.
getEffectiveURI() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
get the final URI of the document.
getEffectiveURL() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
use getEffectiveURI() instead
getEffectiveURL() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
use getEffectiveURI() instead
getElement(Vector, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Get the HttpHeaderElement with the name name.
getExtraInfo() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the extra info.
getFile(String, File) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the value of the property with the given name, return the value as a File.
getFirstProcessNumber() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Return the process number of the first worker process.
getForCurrentTest() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Access to the statistics for the current test.
getForLastTest() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Access the statistics for the last completed test.
getFormData() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Gets the default form data.
getFragment() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getFragment(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Extract the fragment part from an http resource.
getHeader(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Retrieves the value for a given header.
getHeader(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeader(String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaderAsDate(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Retrieves the value for a given header.
getHeaderAsDate(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaderAsDate(String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaderAsInt(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Retrieves the value for a given header.
getHeaderAsInt(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaderAsInt(String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaders() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
getHeaders() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
getHeaders() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Gets the default headers.
getHost() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the host.
getHost() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the host this connection is talking to.
getHost() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getHttpMethodFilter() - Static method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Return an instrumentation filter that selects only the HTTP request methods, i.e.
getHTTPUtilities() - Static method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl
Provides access to an HTTPUtilities instance.
getInputStream() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
getInputStream() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
getInputStream() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the value of the property with the given name, return the value as an int.
getLastResponse() - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the response for the last request made by the calling worker thread.
getLength() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Returns the number of bytes this stream is willing to accept, or -1 if it is unbounded.
getLogger() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Get a org.slf4j.Logger.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the value of the property with the given name, return the value as a long.
getLong(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Return the value of long statistic statisticName.
getMethod() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
getMethod() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
getModules() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the list of modules used currently.
getName() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Return the name of this cookie.
getName() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
getName() - Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
Get the name.
getName() - Static method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderBuild
Return the public name of this build.
getName() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Barrier
Return the name of the barrier.
getNumber() - Method in interface net.grinder.common.Test
Test number.
getNumber() - Method in class net.grinder.script.Test
Get the test number.
getOpaque() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getOriginalURI() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Get the original URI used in the request.
getParameter(String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
retrieves the value associated with the parameter param in a given header string.
getParams() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the authentication parameters.
getParams() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
getParams(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Extract the params part from an http resource.
getPath() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Return the path this cookie is associated with.
getPath() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getPath(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Extract the path from an http resource.
getPathAndQuery() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getPluginProcessContext() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Provide subclasses access to the process context.
getPort() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the port.
getPort() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the port this connection connects to.
getPort() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getPorts() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
getProcessName() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Get a unique name for this worker process.
getProcessNumber() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Return the process number.
getProperties() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Get the global properties for this agent/worker process set.
getPropertySubset(String) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Return a new GrinderProperties that contains the subset of our Properties which begin with the specified prefix.
getProtocol() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the protocol this connection is talking.
getProxyHost() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the host of the proxy this connection is using.
getProxyPort() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Returns the port of the proxy this connection is using.
getQuery(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Extract the query string from an http resource.
getQueryString() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getReadResponseBody() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Return whether or not the whole response body will be read.
getRealm() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the realm.
getReasonLine() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Give the reason line associated with the status code.
getReasonLine() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
give the reason line associated with the status code.
getReasonLine() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
getRequestURI() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
getRequestURI() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
getRunNumber() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Return the current run number, or -1 if not called from a worker thread.
getScheme() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the scheme.
getScheme() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getServer() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
This method is a remnant of V0.1; use getHeader("Server") instead.
getShareContextBetweenRuns() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Get whether SSL contexts are shared between runs.
getShort(String, short) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Get the value of the property with the given name, return the value as a short.
getSSLCipherSuites() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
The list of cipher suites that will used for SSL sockets.
getSSLContext() - Method in interface net.grinder.common.SSLContextFactory
Returns an appropriate JSSE SSLContext.
getSSLContext() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Returns an appropriate JSSE SSLContext.
getSSLControl() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Get an SSLControl.
getSSLProtocols() - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
The list of protocols that will used for SSL sockets.
getSSLSocketFactory() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set the current SSL socket factory for this connection.
getStatistics() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Get a Statistics object that allows statistics to be queried and updated.
getStatusCode() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Give the status code for this request.
getStatusCode() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
give the status code for this request.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
give the status code for this request.
getStream() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
getStream() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoRequest
getSuccess() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Convenience method that returns whether the test was a success (errors is zero) or not.
getTest() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Return the Test that the statistics are for.
getTestConnectionHealthWithBlockingRead() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
getText() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Reads all the response data into a buffer and turns it into a string using the appropriate character converter.
getThreadConnection(String) - Static method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl
Returns a HTTPPluginConnection for a particular URL.
getThreadHTTPClientContext() - Static method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl
Returns the HTTPClient context object for the calling worker thread.
getThreadNumber() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Return the thread number, or -1 if not called from a worker thread.
getTime() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Returns the elapsed time for the test.
getTimeAuthority() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
getTimeInMilliseconds() - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.TimeAuthority
getTimeout() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Gets the timeout used for reading response data.
getTimeToFirstByte() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
getTrailer(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Retrieves the value for a given trailer.
getTrailer(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Retrieves the field for a given trailer.
getTrailer(String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
Retrieves the field for a given trailer.
getTrailerAsDate(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Retrieves the value for a given trailer.
getTrailerAsDate(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Retrieves the field for a given trailer.
getTrailerAsDate(String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
Retrieves the field for a given trailer.
getTrailerAsInt(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Retrieves the value for a given tailer.
getTrailerAsInt(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Retrieves the field for a given tailer.
getTrailerAsInt(String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
Retrieves the field for a given tailer.
getTrailers() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Gets the trailers which were set with setTrailers().
getTtfb() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
getUrl() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Gets the default URL.
getUserinfo() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
getUsernamePassword(AuthorizationInfo, boolean) - Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationPrompter
This method is invoked whenever a username and password is required for an authentication challenge to proceed.
getValue() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Return the value of this cookie.
getValue() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
getValue() - Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
Get the value.
getVersion() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
getVersion() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Get the HTTP version used for the response.
getVersion() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
get the HTTP version used for the response.
getVersion() - Method in interface HTTPClient.RoResponse
getVersionString() - Static method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderBuild
Return the build version.
Grinder - Class in net.grinder.script
Name space for grinder script context object.
Grinder() - Constructor for class net.grinder.script.Grinder
grinder - Static variable in class net.grinder.script.Grinder
Object that provides context services to scripts.
Grinder.ScriptContext - Interface in net.grinder.script
Scripts can get contextual information and access services through a global net.grinder.script.Grinder.grinder object that supports this interface.
GrinderBuild - Class in net.grinder.common
Accessor for build version information.
GrinderException - Exception in net.grinder.common
Base exception class for The Grinder.
GrinderException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.common.GrinderException
GrinderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.common.GrinderException
GrinderProperties - Class in net.grinder.common
Extend Properties to add type safe accessors.
GrinderProperties() - Constructor for class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Construct an empty GrinderProperties with no associated file.
GrinderProperties(File) - Constructor for class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Construct a GrinderProperties, reading initial values from the specified file.
GrinderProperties.PersistenceException - Exception in net.grinder.common
Exception indicating a problem in persisting properties.


handleAuthHeaders(Response, RoRequest, AuthorizationInfo, AuthorizationInfo) - Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
Sometimes even non-401 responses will contain headers pertaining to authorization (such as the "Authentication-Info" header).
handleAuthHeaders(Response, RoRequest, AuthorizationInfo, AuthorizationInfo) - Method in class HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler
We handle the "Authentication-Info" and "Proxy-Authentication-Info" headers here.
handleAuthTrailers(Response, RoRequest, AuthorizationInfo, AuthorizationInfo) - Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
This method is similar to handleAuthHeaders except that it is called if any headers in the trailer were sent.
handleAuthTrailers(Response, RoRequest, AuthorizationInfo, AuthorizationInfo) - Method in class HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler
We handle the "Authentication-Info" and "Proxy-Authentication-Info" trailers here.
hasEntity() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Some responses such as those from a HEAD or with certain status codes don't have an entity.
hasExpired() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
hashCode() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Produces a hash code based on host, scheme and realm.
hashCode() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Hash up name, path and domain into new hash.
hashCode() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
The hash code is calculated over scheme, host, path, and query.
hashCode() - Method in class net.grinder.common.AbstractTestSemantics
Define hash semantics.
hasToken(String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Determines if the given header contains a certain token.
Head(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
HEAD() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP HEAD request.
HEAD(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP HEAD request.
HEAD(NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP HEAD request.
HEAD(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP HEAD request.
HEAD(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP HEAD request.
host - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
hostChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
HTTPClient - package HTTPClient
The Grinder HTTP Plugin incorporates Ronald Tschal�r's HTTPClient library.
HTTPClientModule - Interface in HTTPClient
This is the interface that a module must implement.
HTTPClientModuleConstants - Interface in HTTPClient
This interface defines the return codes that the handlers in modules may return.
HTTPConnection - Class in HTTPClient
This class implements http protocol requests; it contains most of HTTP/1.1 and ought to be unconditionally compliant.
HTTPConnection(Applet) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the host from where the applet was loaded.
HTTPConnection(String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on port 80
HTTPConnection(String, int) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port
HTTPConnection(String, String, int) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port, using the specified protocol (currently only "http" is supported).
HTTPConnection(String, String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port, using the specified protocol (currently only "http" is supported), local address, and local port.
HTTPConnection(URL) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the host (port) as given in the url.
HTTPConnection(URI) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the host (port) as given in the uri.
HTTPConnection.BandwidthLimiter - Interface in HTTPClient
Something that can restrict data transfer bandwidth.
HTTPConnection.BandwidthLimiterFactory - Interface in HTTPClient
HTTPConnection.TimeAuthority - Interface in HTTPClient
httpDate(Date) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
This returns a string containing the date and time in date formatted according to a subset of RFC-1123.
HttpHeaderElement - Class in HTTPClient
This class holds a description of an http header element.
HttpHeaderElement(String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
Construct an element with the given name.
HttpHeaderElement(String, String, NVPair[]) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
HttpOutputStream - Class in HTTPClient
This class provides an output stream for requests.
HttpOutputStream() - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Creates an output stream of unspecified length.
HttpOutputStream(long) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
This creates an output stream which will take length bytes of data.
HTTPPluginConnection - Interface in net.grinder.plugin.http
Interface that script can use to control HTTP connections.
HTTPPluginControl - Class in net.grinder.plugin.http
Facade through which the script can control the behaviour of the HTTP plug-in.
HTTPRequest - Class in net.grinder.plugin.http
An individual HTTP request for use in scripts.
HTTPRequest() - Constructor for class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Creates a new HTTPRequest instance.
HTTPResponse - Class in HTTPClient
This defines the http-response class returned by the requests.
HTTPUtilities - Interface in net.grinder.plugin.http
Things that HTTP scripts find useful.


inp_stream - Variable in class HTTPClient.Response
our input stream (usually from the stream demux).
InvalidContextException - Exception in net.grinder.script
Exception that represents an attempt to make an API call from an invalid context.
InvalidContextException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.InvalidContextException
Creates a new InvalidContextException instance.
isCompatibleWith(URI) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
See if the given uri is compatible with this connection.
isEnabled(int) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Log
Check whether logging for the given facility is enabled or not.
isGenericURI() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
Does the scheme specific part of this URI use the generic-URI syntax?
isSecure() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Return whether this cookie should only be sent over secure connections.
isSemiGenericURI() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
Does the scheme specific part of this URI use the semi-generic-URI syntax?
isTestInProgress() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Returns whether there is a test in progress.


listAllCookies() - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
List all stored cookies for all contexts.
listAllCookies(Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
List all stored cookies for a given context.
listHeaders() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Returns an enumeration of all the headers available via getHeader().
listTrailers() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Returns an enumeration of all the trailers available via getTrailer().
Log - Class in HTTPClient
This is a simple logger for the HTTPClient.
LOG_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Key to use for the log directory property.


main(String[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Run test set.
mangleFilename(String, String) - Method in interface HTTPClient.FilenameMangler
This is invoked by Codecs.mpFormDataDecode for each file found in the data, just before the file is created and written.
markChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
matches(Object) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Test.InstrumentationFilter
Filter the parts of an object.
maximumBytes(int) - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.BandwidthLimiter
Return an upper limit on the number of bytes that should be transfered at this point in time.
MODS - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The Modules facility (32)
ModuleException - Exception in HTTPClient
Signals that an exception occured in a module.
ModuleException() - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.ModuleException
Constructs an ModuleException with no detail message.
ModuleException(String) - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.ModuleException
Constructs an ModuleException class with the specified detail message.
mpFormDataDecode(byte[], String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes a multipart/form-data encoded string.
mpFormDataDecode(byte[], String, String, FilenameMangler) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes a multipart/form-data encoded string.
mpFormDataEncode(NVPair[], NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes name/value pairs and files into a byte array using the multipart/form-data encoding.
mpFormDataEncode(NVPair[], NVPair[], NVPair[], FilenameMangler) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes name/value pairs and files into a byte array using the multipart/form-data encoding.


name - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie
net.grinder.common - package net.grinder.common
Common interfaces and utility classes used throughout The Grinder.
net.grinder.plugin.http - package net.grinder.plugin.http
HTTP plug-in that provides a pool of connections per worker thread.
net.grinder.script - package net.grinder.script
Interfaces and classes for use by scripts.
NonInstrumentableTypeException - Exception in net.grinder.script
Thrown when an attempt is made to wrap a type that can not be instrumented.
NonInstrumentableTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.NonInstrumentableTypeException
Creates a new NotWrappableTypeException instance.
NonInstrumentableTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.NonInstrumentableTypeException
Creates a new NotWrappableTypeException instance.
NoSuchStatisticException - Exception in net.grinder.script
Exception thrown if the requested statistic does not exist.
NoSuchStatisticException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.NoSuchStatisticException
Creates a new NoSuchStatisticException instance.
NotWrappableTypeException - Exception in net.grinder.script
Thrown when an attempt is made to wrap a type that is not wrapable.
NotWrappableTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.NotWrappableTypeException
Creates a new NotWrappableTypeException instance.
NotWrappableTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.script.NotWrappableTypeException
Creates a new NotWrappableTypeException instance.
nv2query(NVPair[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Turns an array of name/value pairs into the string "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3".
NVPair - Class in HTTPClient
This class holds a Name/Value pair of strings.
NVPair(String, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.NVPair
Creates a new name/value pair and initializes it to the specified name and value.
NVPair(NVPair) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.NVPair
Creates a copy of a given name/value pair.


OPAQUE - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
opaque - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
opaqueChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
Options(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Request OPTIONS from the server.
Options(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Request OPTIONS from the server.
Options(String, NVPair[], byte[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Request OPTIONS from the server.
Options(String, NVPair[], HttpOutputStream) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Request OPTIONS from the server.
OPTIONS() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP OPTIONS request.
OPTIONS(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP OPTIONS request.
OPTIONS(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP OPTIONS request.
OPTIONS(String, byte[], NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP OPTIONS request.
OPTIONS(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP OPTIONS request.
OPTIONS(String, InputStream, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP OPTIONS request.


parse(String, RoRequest) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Parses the Set-Cookie header into an array of Cookies.
parse(String, RoRequest) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
Parses the Set-Cookie2 header into an array of Cookies.
ParseException - Exception in HTTPClient
Signals that something went wrong while parsing data.
ParseException() - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.ParseException
Constructs an ParseException with no detail message.
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.ParseException
Constructs an ParseException class with the specified detail message.
parseHeader(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
This parses the value part of a header.
parseHeader(String, boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
This parses the value part of a header.
path - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie
path - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
path_set - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
pcharChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
port - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
port_list - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
port_list_str - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
port_set - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
Post(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs to the specified file.
Post(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs form-data to the specified file.
Post(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's form-data to the specified file using the specified headers.
Post(String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs the data to the specified file.
Post(String, String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs the data to the specified file using the specified headers.
Post(String, byte[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs the raw data to the specified file.
Post(String, byte[], NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs the raw data to the specified file using the specified headers.
Post(String, HttpOutputStream) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs the data written to the output stream to the specified file.
Post(String, HttpOutputStream, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POSTs the data written to the output stream to the specified file using the specified headers.
POST() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, NVPair[], NVPair[], boolean) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, byte[], NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
POST(String, InputStream, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP POST request.
processResponse(HTTPResponse) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Subclasses of HTTPRequest that wish to post-process responses should override this method.
ProtocolNotSuppException - Exception in HTTPClient
Signals that the protocol is not supported.
ProtocolNotSuppException() - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.ProtocolNotSuppException
Constructs an ProtocolNotSuppException with no detail message.
ProtocolNotSuppException(String) - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.ProtocolNotSuppException
Constructs an ProtocolNotSuppException class with the specified detail message.
Put(String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUTs the data into the specified file.
Put(String, String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUTs the data into the specified file using the additional headers for the request.
Put(String, byte[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUTs the raw data into the specified file.
Put(String, byte[], NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUTs the raw data into the specified file using the additional headers.
Put(String, HttpOutputStream) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUTs the data written to the output stream into the specified file.
Put(String, HttpOutputStream, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUTs the data written to the output stream into the specified file using the additional headers.
PUT() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP PUT request.
PUT(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP PUT request.
PUT(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP PUT request.
PUT(String, byte[], NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP PUT request.
PUT(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP PUT request.
PUT(String, InputStream, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP PUT request.


query - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
query2nv(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Turns a string of the form "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3" into an array of name/value pairs.
quotedPrintableDecode(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method does a quoted-printable decoding of the given string according to RFC-2045 (Section 6.7).
quotedPrintableEncode(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method does a quoted-printable encoding of the given string according to RFC-2045 (Section 6.7).
quoteString(String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Replace given characters by their quoted version.


record(Object) - Method in class net.grinder.script.Test
Instrument the supplied target object.
record(Object, Test.InstrumentationFilter) - Method in class net.grinder.script.Test
Version of record that allows selective instrumentation of an object.
reg_nameChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
registerDataLogExpression(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Register a new "detail" statistic expression.
registerSummaryExpression(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Register a new "summary" statistic expression.
removeAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Removes an authorization entry from the list using the default context.
removeAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Removes an authorization entry from the list.
removeAuthorization(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Removes an authorization entry from the list using the default context.
removeAuthorization(String, int, String, String, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Removes an authorization entry from the list.
removeCookie(Cookie) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Remove the specified cookie from the list of cookies in the default context.
removeCookie(Cookie, Object) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Remove the specified cookie from the list of cookies for the specified context.
removeDefaultModule(Class) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Removes a module from the default list.
removeModule(Class) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Removes a module from the current list.
report() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Send any pending statistics for the last completed test to the data log and the console.
REQ_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
continue processing the request
REQ_NEWCON_RST - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
using a new HTTPConnection, restart request processing
REQ_NEWCON_SND - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
using a new HTTPConnection, send request immediately
REQ_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
response generated; go to phase 2
REQ_RESTART - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
restart request processing with first module
REQ_RETURN - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
response generated; return response immediately (no processing)
REQ_SHORTCIRC - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
stop processing and send the request
Request - Class in HTTPClient
This class represents an http request.
Request(HTTPConnection, String, String, NVPair[], byte[], HttpOutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.Request
Creates a new request structure.
requestHandler(Request, Response[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Invoked by the HTTPClient.
requestHandler(Request, Response[]) - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModule
This is invoked before the request is sent.
reservedChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
reset() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Reset this output stream, so it may be reused in a retried request.
resolveRelativeFile(File) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Returns a File representing the combined path of our associated property file directory and the passed file.
RESP - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The HTTPResponse facility (2)
Response - Class in HTTPClient
This class represents an intermediate response.
Response(String, int, String, NVPair[], byte[], InputStream, int) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.Response
Create a new response with the given info.
responsePhase1Handler(Response, RoRequest) - Method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Invoked by the HTTPClient.
responsePhase1Handler(Response, RoRequest) - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModule
The phase 1 response handler.
responsePhase2Handler(Response, Request) - Method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Invoked by the HTTPClient.
responsePhase2Handler(Response, Request) - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModule
The phase 2 response handler.
responsePhase3Handler(Response, RoRequest) - Method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Invoked by the HTTPClient.
responsePhase3Handler(Response, RoRequest) - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModule
The phase 3 response handler.
resvdHostChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be unescaped when unescaping a host
resvdPathChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be unescaped when unescaping a path
resvdQueryChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be unescaped when unescaping a query string
resvdSchemeChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be unescaped when unescaping a scheme
resvdUIChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
list of characters which must not be unescaped when unescaping a userinfo
retryRequest() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Should the request be retried by the application? If the application used an HttpOutputStream in the request then various modules (such as the redirection and authorization modules) are not able to resend the request themselves.
retryRequest() - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
RoRequest - Interface in HTTPClient
This interface represents the read-only interface of an http request.
RoResponse - Interface in HTTPClient
This interface represents read-only interface of an intermediate http response.
RSP_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
continue processing response
RSP_NEWCON_REQ - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
go to phase 1 using a new HTTPConnection
RSP_NEWCON_SND - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
send request using a new HTTPConnection
RSP_REQUEST - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
new request generated; go to phase 1
RSP_RESTART - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
restart response processing with first module
RSP_SEND - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
new request generated; send request immediately (no processing)
RSP_SHORTCIRC - Static variable in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModuleConstants
stop processing and return response


sameHttpURL(URL, URL) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Compares two http urls for equality.
save() - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Save our properties to our file.
saveSingleProperty(String) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Save a single property to our file.
scheme - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
schemeChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
SCRIPT - Static variable in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Key to use for the script property.
secure - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie
SEMI_GENERIC - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
sendCookie(Cookie, RoRequest) - Method in interface HTTPClient.CookiePolicyHandler
This method is called for each cookie that is eligible for sending with a request (according to the matching rules for the path, domain, protocol, etc).
sendWith(RoRequest) - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
sendWith(RoRequest) - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
setAllowUI(boolean) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setAllowUserInteraction(boolean) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Controls whether modules are allowed to prompt the user or pop up dialogs if neccessary.
setAssociatedFile(File) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the associated file.
setAuthHandler(AuthorizationHandler) - Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Set's the authorization handler.
setAuthorizationPrompter(AuthorizationPrompter) - Static method in class HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler
Set a new username/password prompter.
setBandwidthLimit(int) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Artificially limit the bandwidth used by this connection.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the property with the given name to a boolean value.
setBufferGrowthStrategyFactory(HTTPConnection.BandwidthLimiterFactory) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
setCheckCertificates(boolean) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
setConnection(HTTPConnection) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setContext(Object) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the current context.
setCookie(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Set the cookie
setCookiePolicyHandler(CookiePolicyHandler) - Static method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Sets a new cookie policy handler.
setCurrentProxy(String, int) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the proxy used by this instance.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setData(byte[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Sets the default data.
setDataFromFile(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Sets the default data from a file.
setDefaultAllowUserInteraction(boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the default allow-user-action.
setDefaultHeaders(NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the default http headers to be sent with each request.
setDefaultHeaders(NVPair[]) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Sets the default HTTP headers to be sent with each request.
setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set the SSL socket factory for this connection.
setDefaultTimeout(int) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the default timeout value to be used for each new HTTPConnection.
setDelayReports(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics
Use to delay reporting of the last test statistics to the log and the console so that the script can modify them.
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the property with the given name to a double value.
setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Sets the double statistic statisticName to the specified value.
setEffectiveURI(URI) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
set the final URI of the document.
setEffectiveURL(URL) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
use setEffectiveURI() instead
setErrorWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set a writer to report warnings to.
setExtraInfo(Object) - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Set the extra info.
setFile(String, File) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the property with the given name to a File value.
setFollowRedirects(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set whether redirects should be automatically followed.
setFormData(NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Sets the default form data.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Set a header field in the list of headers.
setHeaders(NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setHeaders(NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Sets the default headers.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the property with the given name to an int value.
setKeyManagers(KeyManager[]) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Set the JSSE KeyManagers to use for the calling worker thread/run.
setKeyStore(InputStream, String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Set a key store to use for the calling worker thread/run.
setKeyStore(InputStream, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Overloaded version of setKeyStore for key stores of the default type (usually jks).
setKeyStoreFile(String, String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Set a key store to use for the calling worker thread/run.
setKeyStoreFile(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Overloaded version of setKeyStoreFile for key stores of the default type (usually jks).
setLocalAddress(InetAddress, int) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Allow local address and port to be modified after HTTPConnection has been created.
setLocalAddress(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set the client IP address to use for outbound connections.
setLogging(int, boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Log
Enable or disable logging for the given facilities.
setLogWriter(Writer, boolean) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Log
Set the writer to which to log.
setLong(String, long) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the property with the given name to a long value.
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Sets the long statistic statisticName to the specified value.
setMethod(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setParams(NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Set the authentication parameters.
setProxyServer(String, int) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the default proxy server to use.
setProxyServer(String, int) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set the proxy server to use.
setRawMode(boolean) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
This is not really needed anymore; in V0.2 request were synchronous and therefore to do pipelining you needed to disable the processing of responses.
setReadResponseBody(boolean) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Set whether or not the whole response body will be read.
setRequestURI(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setRetryRequest(boolean) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Should the request be retried by the application? This can be used by modules to signal to the application that it should retry the request.
setShareContextBetweenRuns(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.SSLControl
Specify that there should be a single SSL context for a thread.
setShort(String, short) - Method in class net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties
Set the property with the given name to a short value.
setSocksServer(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the SOCKS server to use.
setSocksServer(String, int) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the SOCKS server to use.
setSocksServer(String, int, int) - Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the SOCKS server to use.
setSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set the SSL socket factory for this connection.
setStream(HttpOutputStream) - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Statistics.StatisticsForTest
Convenience method that sets whether the last test should be considered a success or not.
setTestConnectionHealthWithBlockingRead(boolean) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
setTimeAuthority(HTTPConnection.TimeAuthority) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
setTimeout(int) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the timeout to be used for creating connections and reading responses.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Sets the timeout to be used for creating connections and reading responses.
setTrailer(String, String) - Method in class HTTPClient.Response
Set a trailer field in the list of trailers.
setTrailers(NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Sets the trailers to be sent if the output is sent with the chunked transfer encoding.
setupRequest(String, String, NVPair[], byte[], HttpOutputStream) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets up the request, creating the list of headers to send and creating instances of the modules.
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Sets the default URL.
setUseAuthorizationModule(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set whether the HTTPClient Authorization Module is enabled.
setUseContentEncoding(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set whether content encoding will be used.
setUseCookies(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set whether cookies will be used.
setUseTransferEncoding(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set whether transfer encoding will be used.
setVerifyServerDistinguishedName(boolean) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginConnection
Set whether an exception should be thrown if the subject distinguished name of the server's certificate doesn't match the host name when establishing an HTTPS connection.
sleep(long) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Sleep for a time based on the meanTime parameter.
sleep(long, long) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Sleep for a time based on the meanTime parameter.
SOCKS - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The Socks facility (64)
SocksException - Exception in HTTPClient
Signals that an error was received while trying to set up a connection with the Socks server.
SocksException() - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.SocksException
Constructs a SocksException with no detail message.
SocksException(String) - Constructor for exception HTTPClient.SocksException
Constructs a SocksException with the specified detail message.
SSLContextFactory - Interface in net.grinder.common
Factory for SSLContexts.
SSLContextFactory.SSLContextFactoryException - Exception in net.grinder.common
Exception that indicates problem creating an SSLContext.
SSLContextFactory.SSLContextFactoryException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.common.SSLContextFactory.SSLContextFactoryException
SSLContextFactory.SSLContextFactoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.common.SSLContextFactory.SSLContextFactoryException
SSLControl - Interface in net.grinder.script
Script control of SSL behaviour.
startWorkerThread() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Start a new worker thread.
startWorkerThread(Object) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Start a new worker thread, specifying a test runner instance.
Statistics - Interface in net.grinder.script
Script statistics query and reporting API.
Statistics.StatisticsForTest - Interface in net.grinder.script
Query and update methods for the statistics relating to a particular call of a test.
stop() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Aborts all the requests currently in progress on this connection and closes all associated sockets.
stopThisWorkerThread() - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Stop this worker thread immediately and cleanly.
stopWorkerThread(int) - Method in interface net.grinder.script.Grinder.ScriptContext
Request a specific worker thread to stop.


Test - Interface in net.grinder.common
In addition to this interface, Test implementations should implement value based equality and a well defined ordering.
Test - Class in net.grinder.script
Scripts create Test instances which can then be used to Test.wrap(java.lang.Object) other Jython objects.
Test(int, String) - Constructor for class net.grinder.script.Test
Creates a new Test instance.
Test.InstrumentationFilter - Interface in net.grinder.script
Selective instrumentation.
TimeoutException - Exception in net.grinder.plugin.http
Indicates that an HTTP request timed out.
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.plugin.http.TimeoutException
Creates a new TimeoutException instance.
toExternalForm() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
toExternalForm() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
toExternalForm() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Constructs a string containing the authorization info.
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie
Create a string containing all the cookie fields.
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
Create a string containing all the cookie fields.
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Generates a string of the form protocol://host.domain:port .
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpHeaderElement
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
produces a string describing this stream.
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
produces a full list of headers and their values, one per line.
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
Produces a string containing the name and value of this instance.
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.Request
toString() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
Return the URI as string.
toString() - Method in class net.grinder.common.AbstractTestSemantics
toString() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Returns a string representation of the object and URL headers.
toURL() - Method in class HTTPClient.URI
Will try to create a java.net.URL object from this URI.
Trace(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests a TRACE.
Trace(String) - Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests a TRACE.
TRACE() - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP TRACE request.
TRACE(String) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP TRACE request.
TRACE(String, NVPair[]) - Method in class net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest
Makes an HTTP TRACE request.
trailerHandler(Response, RoRequest) - Method in class HTTPClient.CookieModule
Invoked by the HTTPClient.
trailerHandler(Response, RoRequest) - Method in interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModule
The chunked transfer-encoding (and in future maybe others) can contain trailer fields at the end of the body.
type - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI


unescape(String, BitSet) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Unescape escaped characters (i.e.
unreservedChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
URI - Class in HTTPClient
This class represents a generic URI, as defined in RFC-2396.
URI(String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Constructs a URI from the given string representation.
URI(URI, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Constructs a URI from the given string representation, relative to the given base URI.
URI(URL) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Construct a URI from the given URL.
URI(String, String, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Constructs a URI from the given parts, using the default port for this scheme (if known).
URI(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Constructs a URI from the given parts.
URI(String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Constructs a URI from the given parts.
URI(String, String) - Constructor for class HTTPClient.URI
Constructs an opaque URI from the given parts.
uricChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
url - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
URLC - Static variable in class HTTPClient.Log
The ULRConnection facility (128)
URLDecode(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given urlencoded string.
URLEncode(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method urlencodes the given string.
URLException - Exception in net.grinder.plugin.http
Represents errors in URLs.
URLException(String) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.plugin.http.URLException
Creates a new URLException instance.
URLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.grinder.plugin.http.URLException
Creates a new URLException instance.
userinfo - Variable in class HTTPClient.URI
userinfoChar - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
usesGenericSyntax - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
usesGenericSyntax(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
usesSemiGenericSyntax - Static variable in class HTTPClient.URI
usesSemiGenericSyntax(String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.URI
Util - Class in HTTPClient
This class holds various utility methods.
uudecode(char[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given uuencoded char[].
uuencode(byte[]) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes the given byte[] using the unix uuencode encding.


value - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie
valueFromBodyInput(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for an input token with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valueFromBodyInput(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for an input token with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valueFromBodyURI(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for a path parameter or query string name-value token with the given tokenName in a URI in the body of the last response.
valueFromBodyURI(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for a path parameter or query string name-value token with the given tokenName in a URI in the body of the last response.
valueFromHiddenInput(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for a hidden input token with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valueFromHiddenInput(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for a hidden input token with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valueFromLocationURI(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return the value for a path parameter or query string name-value token with the given tokenName in a Location header from the last response.
valuesFromBodyInput(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return all matching values for input tokens with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valuesFromBodyInput(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return all matching values for input tokens with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valuesFromBodyURI(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return all matching values for path parameters or query string name-value tokens with the given tokenName in a URI in the body of the last response.
valuesFromBodyURI(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return all matching values for path parameters or query string name-value tokens with the given tokenName in a URI in the body of the last response.
valuesFromHiddenInput(String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return all matching values for hidden input tokens with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
valuesFromHiddenInput(String, String) - Method in interface net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPUtilities
Return all matching values for hidden input tokens with the given tokenName in the body of the last response.
version - Variable in class HTTPClient.Cookie2
version - Static variable in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
The current version of this package.


wildcardMatch(String, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Util
Match pattern against name, where pattern may contain wildcards ('*').
wrap(Object) - Method in class net.grinder.script.Test
Creates a proxy script object that has the same interface as the passed object.
write(int) - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Writes a single byte on the stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
Writes an array of bytes on the stream.
write(int, String) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Log
Write the given message to the current log if logging for the given facility is enabled.
write(int, String, Throwable) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Log
Write the stack trace of the given exception to the current log if logging for the given facility is enabled.
write(int, String, ByteArrayOutputStream) - Static method in class HTTPClient.Log
Write the contents of the given buffer to the current log if logging for the given facility is enabled.